“The close study of an oppressed group reveals that a dominant group inevitably describes a subordinant group falsely in terms of its own system of thought….this description…is internalized by members of subordinant groups to the point where they begin to understand and construct themselves as such.” T. Williams
«Zapaldutako gizataldeak zorrotz aztertuz gero, agerian geratzen da nagusi den gizataldeak beti oker deskribatzen duela menpeko gizataldea, bere pentsaeraren arabera. Menpeko gizataldeko kideek barneratu egiten dute gizatalde nagusikoen deskribapen hori, halako moldez non beren burua deskribapen haren arabera ikusten eta moldatzen hasten diren». T. Williams
“The effect of oppression on the emotions of subordinant groups is that they experience feelings and develop emotional states that consciously or unconsciously reproduce, perpetuate, and/or help to maintain the systems of oppression that target them.” T. Williams
«Menpeko gizataldeek garatu egiten dituzte eurak zapaltzen dituen sistema ohartuta edo oharkabean berritzen, betikotzen edo/eta iraunarazten duten sentipenak eta egoera emozionalak. Eragin horixe du zapalkuntzak menpeko gizataldeen emozioetan». T. Williams
“As long as oppressed groups do not think, know, or believe that they are capable of creating change, they will not try; oppression will continue to exist unchallenged.” T. Williams
«Zapaldutako gizataldeak, egoera aldatzeko gai direla pentsatzen, jakiten eta sinesten ez duten bitartean, ez dira saiatu ere egingo horretan; zapalkuntzak iraun egingo du, inork zalantzan jarri gabe». T. Williams